Growth Ministries exists to provide materials for the discipling of Christian believers both literate and literacy-challenged in the US and overseas. We underwrite the costs of materials for those who cannot afford to pray for them. Donations from loyal supporters make that possible.

Even a gift of $35 makes possible a player for a literacy-challenged believer. Your tax-deductible gift will help us fulfill our commitment to "go into all the world and make disciples."

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Growth Ministries has created a solar-powered device for use in discipling literacy-challenged believers. The tool is an eighteen-module program with five sections: What It Means to be a Christ-Follower, Dealing with Sin: Our Number One Problem, Dealing with Life Dominating Sins, Dealing with Family Matters, and Being Dependent or Independent?

A guide is provided for a literate discipler and for the literacy-challenged disciple/s a player which provides three functions: a summary of the week's lesson, Scripture memory set to music and the whole Bible for their daily listening.

Growth Ministries is providing the players, in English and Creole, free to pastors, missionaries and Salvation Army personnel. Presently, over 150 literacy-challenged disciples are being discipled in Haiti. The cost of the players is $35 each and is being underwritten by donors. We want to double the number of units in use in 2015. Would you consider underwriting one or more players by adding them to the cost of your order? Thanks for joining us in this endeavor.

Literacy-Challenged Player Donation



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- Items 1-5 = $8, 6-10 = $12, 11-20 = $19, 21+ = $26
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